Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Book Review | The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Since The 5th Wave movie recently came out, of course I had to read the book to prepare!

The first wave brought darkness.
The second wave wrecked the coasts and flooded the land.
The third wave brought the plague.
The fourth wav came with a rule: trust no one.
Now, the fifth wave has arrived. And only the strongest remain to fight for our world.

So, I'm excited to say that I really liked this book! The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey was full of action and nonstop happenings. I liked that this book was told in multiple points of view. However, the first point of view change I did get a little confused. Still, the changes kept the story moving quicker.

I really enjoyed Cassie's character. She had a refreshing dry and witty humor even though it was basically the apocalypse. She was a fun character to read from. I liked how she had a balance between determination, courage, and intelligence. Cassie showed humanity in addition to inhumane strength during an imaginable time.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Evan Walker. From the beginning, he was such a shady character. It was hard for me to like him and to ship the um, relationship (I'm trying not to give any spoilers!). Normally, I would be ecstatic when things happened between the love interest and the main character. However, I groaned every time something happened between the two which is upsetting. Stil, Evan proved to be okay. I'm still not totally set on him, but we'll see.

Now, I did like Ben for the most part. Ben was an interesting character to read from because he used to be the football star before the apocalypse and now he was someone else when the Others came. As a love interest? I'm also not completely set on him as a love interest. But I did really like his character, and I enjoyed learning how the apocalypse changed him and formed him.

I think I gave this book a 4.25/5 stars or something like that. But it was really good! I enjoyed The 5th Wave, and I'll probably be continuing with the trilogy/series. Just, probably not in the immediate future. But I will!

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