Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Book Review | Nora & Kettle by Lauren Nicolle Taylor

I received Nora & Kettle for review, and by the synopsis, I thought I would enjoy it. A Peter Pan retelling during World War II? Heck yes! But I was not expecting to love this book so much.
(You can watch my video version of this review as well as learn more information about a giveaway for this book!)

A loosely-based Peter Pan retelling, Nora & Kettle tells the story of two teenagers who face
endless hardships during 1953 in America. Nora belongs to a wealthy family, yet she lives under constant abuse. Her home is filled with violence that worsens when her mother dies. Kettle is Japanese-American orphan who struggles with life on the street and simply surviving. These two are unexpectedly brought together when Kettle pulls Nora from her window one night. Alone, these two are merely trying to survive. But together, they might just live.

I absolutely adored this book. The writing was spectacularly lyrical and moving. I found that nearly every line was a work of poetry. The style flowed and moved effortlessly. Since the book is told in dual perspectives, I found that the voices were distinct from one another.

The characters were wonderful. I sympathized with both of their hardships. Their stories truly moved me, and I couldn't help but root for their happiness right from the start.

Since Nora & Kettle is a Peter Pan retelling, there were some Peter Pan references such as the "Lost Boys" and the urge to fly.

Lauren Nicolle Taylor did an amazing job exposing the prejudices that Japanese Americans faced during World War II. Additionally, she exposed the horrors of domestic violence. Reading about Nora's abuse was absolutely heartbreaking.

I really enjoyed the interactions between Nora and Kettle. The interactions were somewhat awkward at times, but they were also extremely sweet. I loved the unsaid understanding between the two characters.

Overall, the book was well-paced. I never found myself bored with the story or indifferent towards the characters. The ending was ultimately hopeful, and I loved that. I gave this book a 4.5/5 stars.

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